ICAClient ohne AppProtection

Download current ICA Client: https://www.citrix.com/downloads/workspace-app/linux/workspace-app-for-linux-latest.html

After installing Citrix Workspace Client with "App Protecting"all the extensions stopped working. After uninstalling Citrix all the extensions work again. It seems like you need to install Citrix Workspace without App-Protection:

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"
sudo debconf-set-selections <<< "icaclient app_protection/install_app_protection select no"

sudo debconf-show icaclient
* app_protection/install_app_protection: no

sudo apt install -f ./icaclient_<version>._amd64.deb

I took the steps from citrix' website on howto enable AppProtection during install and changed values from 'yes' to 'no' It seems like you cannot uninstall App-Protection once citrix is installed with it.

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